
Well this is my first FULL week of school and let me tell you…it is slow as hell.  But whatever the work hasn’t been to hard so far and most of my teachers are either completely clueless and really chill.  So either way it’s good :).  Meh, I have a math quiz tomarrow, but whateverrrr it will be easy. 

I know no one probably cares if ANYONE’s even reading this but I guess sometimes it’s nice to write your thoughts down somewhere.  

Anyways—>next blog I’m gonna make like a time line sort of thing of experiences of the past 2 or so years? Yea I’m too lazy to write in depth about it all, so a time line will do 😀

Alright I’m gonna peace out


ps. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK J 🙂 aw you’re 16 that’s cute.  And you got a puppy? adorable 🙂


September 17, 2008. Tags: , , , , . Uncategorized. 1 comment.

Yo Yo…..

Hola.  Well this is going to be a really pointless blog.  but I felt like writing somethingg.  Well I’m about to leave for my broski’s football game.  It’s probably going to be really boring but whatever I’ll bring my ipod :).  

Anyway to make this a little less pointless, I started school on the 10th.  It’s so wierd waking up so goddamn early and having work.  I’ve been dead since school’s started.  I am SO not used to it.  I probably won’t get used to it for a while. Excellent.  

Oh and good newwss!!!! I think I’m going to have my trainer on Monday’s and Wedsneday’s now.  And I’m starting Weight Watchers on Friday with my friend Anya :).  Should be a fun time.  Hah.  Right.  But anyway’s I’m gonna peace out I’ll write a more interesting blog next time 



September 13, 2008. Tags: , , , . Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

How Could I Forget This?

I know, I know, this is my 3rd blog in the same day, but I just wanted to take a moment to remember today.  As you all know its been 7 years since 9/11 and it truly is a day to remember it, and to be thankful for everything you have.  It’s so unfortunate that things like this actually happen.  So lets take a moment to remember everyone who died as well as the firefighters who lost and risked their lives to save people in the buildings.

But want to know something that actually really upset me today?  In school, we did NOTHING to remember this day.  There was no ceremony, or discussion about it.  Not even a moment of SILENCE.  It disgusted me how ignorant everyone seemed about it.  It’s too late now to say something, but for sure next year, if nothing happens, I am going to say something to the headmaster.

Anyways, just please, today take a few moments out of your day to be thankful for what you have, and mourn for the people that died today, and for their families as well





September 11, 2008. Tags: . Uncategorized. 2 comments.

I’m Backkkkk!!

Yes, I know its like an hour or something after I posted my first one but to bad.  And I kinda made a mistake in the first one, this 2nd blog isn’t going to mainly be based on the Brothers Jonas, but I guess it will end with them? Who knows with me.  >>>oh and side note, I can get a little ADD and be random, I know everyones like that but I will probably write it and make a fool of myself. Whatever. Ok, so I guess I’ll give a little background information on myself, not a creepish amount, but a good amount so you all know what I’m all about, or at least an idea of it.

Well, my names Lauren, and I live in New Jersey (muscle of america!) and I’m a sophmore in high school.  Nothing special, just a regular teenage girl, trying to live her life like everyone else. cool.  Well lets talk about my awkward stage in life…..yea it wasn’t really a stage it was basically my WHOLE childhood. Because I’m that awesome.  No but really, I think it lasted from 2nd grade, all the way to the end of 7th grade….I know 6 years….but hey, I was the quiet, fat, easy to pick on girl.  I didn’t really have many friends (this isn’t a sob story I promise) so I didn’t really know who I was or anything.  I was kinda just there.  

By middle school though I started having a good amount friends, you know the awkwardness of myself was starting to wear off.  Although I didn’t really talk to the boys in my grade (still don’t anyway, and don’t want to they’re all faggots).  Luckily I’m in a different high school then all of them, and I ADORE it.  OH and one mjor point in my life >>>  I began my love for clothes in 6th grade.  I didn’t really figure out what I loved until 8th grade, but it was still pretty awesome how I would experiment with everything.  And by 7th grade, I started realizing how badly I wanted to lose weight, so I began diets and working out.  I’m still chubby now, but I am no where near as gross as I was before.  And I’m almost done too…kinda, like 15 to 20 pounds more off and then I’m good.  Yea….

Alright well, I guess this is where the Jonas’s come in (cue the screaming girls)…hahaha just kidding.

Alright well it all started in June 2006, I was watching Disney, it was a commercial, then all the sudden I hear AMERICAN DRAGON duh duh duh….and I look up and I see these three boys, and for some reason I thought they were latino?  I have no idea, I’m a freak.  So anyway, I didn’t really think any of them were that attractive BESIDES kevin.  And I was like who the fuck are these guys?  So I briefly looked them up, added a song or two from itunes on my ipod, and a few days later I was shipped off to camp.  (oh and note at this time I barely knew how to work a computer, hence I didn’t have a myspace, so I didn’t know how to, or even knew they had a myspace to look up them up on that.)  I come back in late August 06′, and I’m iming my friend Lizz, and she has this icon, with a little curly haired boy who looks SO familiar….and I’m like “Lizz who is that?” and she’s like “Nick from the Jonas Brothers!!” And right after that I IMMEDIATELY remembered them and this time acutally looked them up (I figured out they had a myspace then and figured out as well that I could access it without an account)  So I immediately was looking up youtube videos, their myspace, I bought hteir whole first album off itunes (like 3 times heheeh) And was just legit in love with them.  My mom thought it was cute and just a phase.  I showed my friends their music and a bunch of them fell in love with it as well (Unfortunately, for them it was just a phase though, they grew out of them summer 07 tear, tear)  But obviously I still love them :).

And, I know this is corny and all, but they REALLY REALLY, helped me to phase out of my awkwardness.  They showed me why life is so great, and how music can help you through almost ANYTHING, and that it’s ok to be different, and not follow the crowd.  Sappy, but sosososoososSO true.

 But wanna hear something crazy? Never ONCE did it come across that I wanted to see them live, or had the oppurtunity.  I realized I wanted this to happen in like late december, when they had already pretty much came by me, and anything near me was like 6 hours away.  It was quite unfortunate, so I decided to wait patiently for a new tour or whatever. 

I don’t remember if it was January or Febrauary but one of those months, year 3000 premiered on disney channel….and that REALLY helped them.  Like, it was crazy they got SO MANY adds on myspace after that (note: I got a myspace in like january 07)  It was crazy.  And guess what? they were FINALLY having a concert near me.  It was march 10, 2007 at their old highschool.  I remember the day i got the tickets, once I got through, I screamed, and apologized to the woman, hahaa she just laughed and said it was fine and got 6th row tickets to the concert (i think the room only had like 20 rows anyway lol), and it came with meet and greet.  I’m not going to explain this concert in this entry, I will in another, but lets just say, me and my friends had an AMAZING time, made fools of ourselves, I had to pee like no other through the concert, and for some reason Frankie enjoys throwing balls at my head? lol.  

I’ll fill you in on my first concert in a later entry, and the other 13 jonas concerts also!(as well as seeing them at the parade in 07). As well as some other concerts i’ve been to 


🙂 😛 😀


September 11, 2008. Tags: . Uncategorized. 1 comment.

First Post….wooooooo!

Okay, so my camp friend Stephanie kinda got me to do this, so yayy!!!


Once i get the whole gist of things it will be all cool and fancy like hers.  Anyways, I doubt many people will read this, or want to, because I’m really not that exciting.  But thats ok, I’ll try to fill you in on some exciting times i’ve had and leave out the pointless stuff.  


Alrighty so you probably all know I love the Jonas Brothers as well, so I guess that could be my second post?  And of course I’ll add other shit but I’ll fill you in on how i heard about them, the 14 shows i’ve been to, the good times, bad times, the embaressing times.


But of course I’ll include other pointless interesting shit in my life 🙂 so it’s all good if you dislike JB, even though some of my stories are pretty entertaining 😛


Alright well i’m peacin’ out, I don’t have any homework tonight so maybe i’ll add another post

sick nasty, i know



September 11, 2008. Tags: . Uncategorized. 2 comments.